Looking for an editor? Write to me.

I am interested in projects of all kinds! I can copy edit your cover letter, I can give you in-depth notes on your personal essay, or I can talk to you on the phone for hours about the plot holes in your manuscript.


“Michele is one of the most insightful editors I've had the pleasure of working with. Her knowledge and insight about the craft of writing is unparalleled, and she applies her feedback deftly. Michele elevates every piece of writing she encounters. I absolutely recommend working with her.”

–Erin Williams, author and illustrator of Commute: An Illustrated Memoir of Female Shame and co-author and illustrator of How to Take Care


“I was incredibly lucky to work with Michele as my editor for a personal essay I wrote for Guernica magazine. From the very first draft we worked on together, Michele helped me shape the scope, structure, and thematic development of the piece with utmost wisdom and sensitivity. I felt supported in exploring new directions, but she was also essential in guarding me from going down false paths. Michele’s incredible and insightful guidance is what helped me narrow and crystallize the message in my essay, balance its braided narratives, and ensure every detail included mattered. On an personal level, writing the essay was a tremendously meaningful and emotional experience, and Michele felt like a trusty, caring collaborator at all times. The piece, “At the Bend of the Road,” went on to be included in Best American Essays 2022. It’s no overstatement to say that working with Michele was a career-changing experience, as well as a pleasure throughout.”

–Aube Rey Lescure, Deputy Editor at Off Assignment and author of River East, River West, forthcoming from William Morrow/HarperCollins


“I learned so much from Michele and her keen editor's eye. For my creative nonfiction piece for Guernica, Michele helped me shape my lyrically charged essay into a thing of understated beauty. She was extremely thorough and thoughtful, meticulous with her directions and editorial suggestions, yet at the same time honored my work’s own vision and linguistic idiosyncrasies. She helped me see multiple ways of achieving poignance in my story—through narrative clarity, concision, and compression not just of language but of the attention we might bring to language, moment by moment, sentence by sentence.”

–Jung Hae Chae, winner of the 2022 Graywolf Press Nonfiction Prize and the 2021 Crazyhorse Prize in Nonfiction


“Most writers dream of finding a thought partner, an editor who is equally adept at restructuring sentences as they are at deepening the themes of your work. This is Michele Moses. Rigorous and thorough, thoughtful and generous, Michele is a superlative reader, thinker, and critical partner. Hire her and thank me later.”

–Tanya Bush, co-editor of Cake Zine, and author of Will This Make You Happy, forthcoming from Chronicle Books